Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Advantages of Private Cloud Backup

One of the critical concepts in technology right now is the idea of a private cloud. When considering it as a backup solution you are dealing with a service solution that you have control over. There are many factors to consider when deciding whether to go down this path, and subsequently what sort of solution to turn. If your business is considering a cloud solution of any sort we urge you to give our latest white paper a quick glance as the concepts may aid in the decision making process. You can get to the white paper by using the clicking here.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Contacting Trustyd Support

Fairly recently the 3x.com domain was dropped here at our offices in favor of the trustyd.com domain (the new name of the company). Since this has occurred the support@3x.com address no longer reaches our support team. In order to make inquiries now you'll want to send an email to support@trustyd.com or browse over to our ticketing system at support.trustyd.com.

We do apologize for any difficulty caused by the change. If you have any questions about this at all feel free to contact support, or me personally via email or twitter.